Sunday, 12 May 2013

Managing the implementation of Green IT : it starts with people

It is important to emphasize the fact that, no matter how sophisticated a strategy is, no matter how advanced is a model, no matter how good our intentions are or how an organization can benefit from a change in attitude : in the end, implementing an effective IT Green policy is about people. It is about changing the attitude and the minds. It is about moving people and organizations to  improve the management of IT in business organizations. Organizations such as HP, Newflash or Freeform Dynamics implemented the following steps for their benefits. Your organization can do the same.

Below are seven steps that may be useful in implementing a green IT policy :
1.       Commit to Green IT from the very top of the organization.
2.       As much as possible, make the Chief Information Officer (CIO or his equivalent) responsible for greening IT.
3.       Encourage your teams to be interested in Green IT by encouraging simple steps : reduction of printing, participation on free forums, sharing of free online resources, etc.
4.       Better behavior such as putting the computer on standby during moment of inactivity or switching the screen off when ending the day of work should be incentivized.
5.       Introduce teleconferencing or Telepresence Technologies. Less travel reduces carbon emissions.
6.       Audit your Data Center and remove unused equipment and software.
7.       Let experts and consultants look at your practices and propose steps for improvements.

And one final important step, keep visiting our blog.

Bibliography :
-          Green IT for Dummies, HP Limited Edition

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